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2023.11.25 Sat.
Premiere of "Infinity Light" for baritone, flute, and piano
7:30PM.National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts - Weiwuying Recital Hall 衛武營表演廳
2023.10.17 Tue.
Premiere of "Purple Butterfly" piano fantasy
7:30PM.National Recital Hall 國家演奏廳
2023.10.10 Tue.
Premiere of "Praise Dance" duet for violin and cello
7:30PM.National Recital Hall 國家演奏廳
2023.04.30 Sun.
Performance of "Girl, Don't Cry" for flute and piano
7:30PM.Rhythmscape 享象
2023.04.20 Thu.
Premiere of "Into The Starry Night" piano fantasy
7:30PM.National Recital Hall 國家演奏廳

We are at CannesXR!
Jul.06-15 Online!
So glad I’ve got the opportunity to compose for “The Abandoned Deity” in 2019 and seen the success of this amazing VR short! Big congratulations to dr. Kao.
I also have been working on his new coming project this year. Can’t wait to share with you all!
恭喜高逸軍導演!讓我們一起進到坎城影展XR 市場展(原來作品踏入坎城是這種感覺)!從去年到現在,屢屢聽到「落難神像 The Abandoned Deity」在世界各大影展、電腦圖學大會上發光發熱,真的很榮幸能為該片配樂。

“The Abandoned Deity落難神像”is going BIG!
I'm very excited to share with you that my very first VR film scoring movie "The Abandoned Deity" directed by Yi-Chun Kao has been presented in many major film & animation festivals!

The theme song of "The Abandoned Deity" is now available!
Check it out at all major online streaming stores!
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